[In the Media] “The Necessity of Kidney Disease Countermeasures in the Region through th ...>>
[Lecture Report/In the Media] “The Basic Act on Dementia to Promote the Realization of a ...>>
[Lecture Report] “Improving the Resilience of Health and Public Health Systems to the Im ...>>
[Lecture Report] The 11th NIKKEI FT Communicable Diseases Conference -Building a Crisis- ...>>
[Upcoming Event] Innovation for NEW HOPE Symposium titled advancing diagnosis and treatm ...>>
[HGPI Policy Column] (No.49) From the Mental Health Project ”Changes in the Japanese Men ...>>
[In the Media] “Pay Attention to Climate Change and Health Impacts” (The Nikkei Personal ...>>
[In the Media] “Over 70% of nurses recognize climate change as a critical issue and expr ...>>
[Lecture Report] The 50th Anniversary of the Japanese Association of Behavioral and Cogn ...>>
[Lecture Report] Research Symposium, “Mental Health Matters: What are the Policy Priorit ...>>